90 Second Sound Design - Bowed Spring Prop
Again with the Bow?
It’s true I’m obsessed with using this thing right now. It’ll end when I break it alright? I’ve got some other things also in the works but I’ve mostly been recording material for the bowed vibrations library lately. It should be a pretty massive addition to my arsenal when it’s done.
Processing… or rather Prop-cessing
The focus for this one was less on doing anything specific with the sound and more about building an interesting prop. In the completed library, there will be additional variations of the device you see here. Having said that, I can see enormous potential here for creating some very interesting cinematic movement/whoosh and impact effects.
Conclusion / Get the Library
I’m keeping this one short and sweet so I can get back to working on completing the project but I did want to share where I’m at in the process.
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